What can I do to improve?

The question player’s ask, that drive experienced coaches nuts…”what can I do to improve?” While on the surface it seems like an innocent question…the problem is that if a player really doesn’t know or understand what they need to improve on, this exposes a bigger problem…their lack of awareness and/or understanding of the game.

In general, the majority of players need improvement and repetition doing the following:

  1. Technique

  2. Technique

  3. Understanding/Watching the game to understand the application and possibilities of TECHNIQUE

  4. Mind repetition from viewing elite level futsal/soccer…again, programming your mind to what it SHOULD look like…which provides player’s insight, understanding, and context for what they need to work on.

So in short, engross yourself in the game. This will lead to a better understanding and refine your internal compass for your development. Futsal/Soccer experts will guide, support, add nuance and sophistication, but players need to take ownership of the basics to grow!


Mastering the Simple, Leads to the Complex
